9 Fellowship
Desert Grace women's ministry exists TO EQUIP AND ENCOURAGE WOMEN to grow in the knowledge and understanding of the Lord through the study of God's word and the building of relationships across generations, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TEACHING AND WALKING OUT THE GOSPEL TOGETHER. We believe that as each woman seeks God, she can than make Him known to those around her and lead the way for the next generation to also SEEK GOD AND MAKE HIM KNOWN.

Olivia Brant
Breakfast & Study
Cindy Loiselle
LaRae Swartz
Coffee & Chat Groups

Angela Johnson
...we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy; giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
Colossians 1:9-12